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Configuring a Component Manifest


The Component Manifest is a configuration file that contains all the information required to onboard and deploy a service. It is combined with one or more containerized services to produce an installable component.


Areas of Configuration

Full details of the manifest contents can be found in the reference documentation (help me). The view from 30,000 feet looks like this:

Simple Manifest Example

Consider this simple manifest that configures a basic service without a user interface.

Name: "Service Name"
Type: Internal
  - Name: ""
    Value: "my-public-client-id"
  - Name: ""
    Value: "my-confidential-client-id"
  - Name: ""
    Value: "there-are-no-secrets-that-time-does-not-reveal"
  - Name: "Container Name as identified after docker import"
    Version: "v0.1"
    Artifact: "myServiceImage.tar.gz"
    Port: 8080
    ContextPath: "/serviceContextPath"
        Scheme: "http"
        Host: ""
        Path: "/service/admin/health"
      IntervalSec: 30
      InitialDelaySec: 5
      TimeoutSec: 30
      Memory: "128Mi"
      CPU: "1"

Component Metadata

At the top manifest we include service metadata like name and description.

Name: "Service Name"
Type: Internal

The only supported “Type” is “Internal”, but the options are:

Security Client Configuration

You must create public and confidential security clients for your service manually using MSX before you can install it (help me). The public client will be used for the Single Sign On (SSO) flow used by Swagger and your user interface. The confidential client will be used to retrieve the user security context, thus enabling RBAC control for your API requests.

  - Name: ""
    Value: "my-public-client-id"
  - Name: ""
    Value: "my-confidential-client-id"
  - Name: ""
    Value: "there-are-no-secrets-that-time-does-not-reveal"

Container Array

The manifest can configure multiple containers, but one is sufficient for many purposes, and multiple services can be put in the same container. Consequently, you can host your service primitives and service applications in a single container. Note in some cases it makes sense to host service initialization and migration processes in their own containers.

Container Metadata

Like the service each container has some associated metadata. The final step of packaging a service is to put the manifest and containers in a tarball. Here the “Artifact” is the name of the container in that tarball. The “Port” and “ContextPath” are used by Component Manager to configure Consul in order generate dynamic routes in nginx.

  - Name: "Container Name as identified after docker import"
    Version: "v0.1"
    Artifact: "myServiceImage.tar.gz"
    Port: 8080
    ContextPath: "/serviceContextPath"

Container Health Check Configuration

These values define the health check endpoint for your application. Component Manager allows for either a TCP health check, or an HTTP health check. A working health check is mandatory for all applications as only healthy applications will be added to the Nginx ingress. The example below contains good default settings for the assorted timers, but they must be adjusted to suit the individual needs of each application.

        Scheme: "http"
        Host: ""
        Path: "/service/admin/health"
      IntervalSec: 30
      InitialDelaySec: 5
      TimeoutSec: 30

Container Hardware Resource Limits

These values set the resource limits that Kubernetes will apply to the container.

You must ensure that the limits set here align with the full memory requirements of your application’s heap and stack. For example, if a Java application’s “Max Heap” is larger than the defined limit, then the application will get reaped before it can start.

      Memory: "128Mi"
      CPU: "1"


Component Manager Manifest Reference