Presence ClassesΒΆ

According to RFC 6020, YANG supports two styles of containers, one for organizing hierarchy, another for representing configuration data. The latter type of containers are called presence containers. For instance, the existence of a presence container ssh may be used to indicate whether ssh login is enabled or not.

Let us consider a class named Conditions, with two members match_prefix_set, which is a presence node, and match_neighbor_set, which is a non-presence node.

  :     match_prefix_set(nullptr),

When instantiating the Conditions class, the child match_prefix_set will be initially assigned to a null pointer. So, in order to configure the match prefix set, the user has to initialize the match_prefix_set as shown below:

auto conditions = std::make_shared<openconfig_bgp::Bgp::Conditions>();
conditions->match_prefix_set = std::make_shared<openconfig_bgp::Bgp::Conditions::MatchPrefixSet>(); // instantiate the presence node
conditions->match_prefix_set->parent = conditions.get(); //set the parent