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Sending Mock Server Responses


In this guide, we will add some mock responses to the Hello World Service. This will enable us to make some requests and see things working locally.



Updating the Project


Open go/api_languages_service.go and add this StubLanguage mock object at the module level. You can put it right after your import declarations:

// StubLanguage is a sample language for this example
var StubLanguage = Language{
	Id:          "20f329ac-123f-48f0-917d-a70497cfd22a",
	Name:        "Esperanto",
	Description: "Esperanto is a constructed auxiliary language. Its creator was L. L. Zamenhof, a Polish eye doctor.",

Then update the GetLanguage() and GetLanguages() methods to return StubLanguage as shown.

// GetLanguage - Returns a language.
func (s *LanguagesApiService) GetLanguage(ctx context.Context, id string) (ImplResponse, error) {
	return Response(http.StatusOK, StubLanguage), nil

// GetLanguages - Returns a list of languages.
func (s *LanguagesApiService) GetLanguages(ctx context.Context) (ImplResponse, error) {
	list := []Language{StubLanguage}
	return Response(http.StatusOK, list), nil


Open go/api_items_service.go and add this StubItem mock object at the module level. You can put it right after your import declarations.

// StubItem is a sample item for this simple implementation
var StubItem = Item{
	Id:           "a619249d-8d5a-4b40-8b1f-ba4da2f8199b",
	LanguageId:   "20f329ac-123f-48f0-917d-a70497cfd22a",
	LanguageName: "Esperanto",
	Value:        "Saluton mondo",

Then as before, update GetItem() and GetItems() to return StubItem as shown.

// GetItem - Returns a Hello World item.
func (s *ItemsApiService) GetItem(ctx context.Context, id string) (ImplResponse, error) {
	return Response(http.StatusOK, StubItem), nil

// GetItems - Returns a list of Hello World items.
func (s *ItemsApiService) GetItems(ctx context.Context, languageId string) (ImplResponse, error) {
	list := []Item{StubItem}
	return Response(http.StatusOK, list), nil

Running the Service Locally

We can now run Hello World Service locally and make some requests.

To start the service, right click ./main.go and select Run ‘go build main.go’.

Once the project starts successfully, you’ll see something similar to the following in the terminal:

GOROOT=/usr/local/go #gosetup
GOPATH=/Users/volkan/go #gosetup
/usr/local/go/bin/go build -o /private/var/folders/6x//___MSX_SDK_GO . #gosetup
2021/02/23 12:55:24 Server started

Once the service has started make some local requests using curl.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/helloworld/api/v1/languages
    "description":"Esperanto is a constructed auxiliary language. Its creator was L. L. Zamenhof, a Polish eye doctor."
$ curl http://localhost:8080/helloworld/api/v1/items
    "value":"Saluton mondo"

$ curl http://localhost:8080/helloworld/api/v1/items/a619249d-8d5a-4b40-8b1f-ba4da2f8199b
  "value":"Saluton mondo"

The Missing Pieces

Running the service locally is a good start but there are still a number of missing pieces before our service is useful: