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Routing in MSX


There are times when a user needs to be redirected to another component within the tenant-centric workspace. This guide describes how to achieve that goal.


How to Route

The steps below outline how to route between components. Go back to our previous example where we change the status of a device from within service-details-tile component. Then update the following function such that it redirects the end user to the devices page after updating the device status.

changeDeviceStatus(): void {
  this.deviceForm.formData['Devices'].forEach(element => {
    this.devicesService.updateStatus(element.value, 'healthStatus', this.deviceForm.formData.healthstatus.value, "Hello World")
    this.devicesService.updateStatus(element.value, 'lifeCycleStatus', this.deviceForm.formData.lifecyclestatus.value, "Hello World")			
    this.$state.go('app.tenant_devices', {
      obj: {}
      }, { reload: true });

That is all that is needed to direct the user to the devices view after updating the status.


The available states to redirect the user to in MSX are: